Trees of the Galaxy

Introducing the Trees of the Galaxy Collection – 65 unique and mesmerizing trees made from diamonds, emeralds, and precious stones.
Each tree symbolizes the journey of humanity toward unlocking its full potential and exploring the vast universe.
These trees represent hope, growth, and the interconnectivity of all life forms in the universe.

By purchasing one of these rare NFTs, not only will you be supporting the art and culture, but also making a positive impact on humanity.
Most  of the earnings will be donated to the Eyes of Humanity Foundation. The Foundation’s mission is to uplift humanity by building a free online university, happiness clinics, and promoting moral values.
It also strives to find solutions to tackle pollution and restore nature to its original state. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own a piece of digital art with a purpose.
These Trees of the Galaxy NFTs are a true symbol of hope and a beacon for a better future for all of humanity.

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Trees of the Galaxy

7 essential facts about the Trees of the Galaxy Coins:

1 They come from Outer space
2 They are scarce only 66 made in a limited edition
3 They are Mighty Coool
4 They are built with high technology
5 MOST of the revenue is donated to the Eyes of Humanity foundation 6 They are associated with 7 other fabulous Nft collections
7 They are priced to sell fast @ 0.3 ETherium
